Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Film Poster

For our film poster we came up with the idea of having a camera as the focal point as this is a significant prop in our film. we also had the idea of contrasting light with dark and created a flash to go against the black background.
The title of the film "Mirror Image" appears twice on the film poster. In its first form it is clear and the audience is able to read it clearly, its second for is that of the first but mirrored/reflected. This is a play on the word "mirror", and also the "R's" in the word are mirrored.
The tag line on the poster is "Mirror, Mirror On The Wall Why
My Daughter Of Them All?"
This is taken from the childish film Snow White, we wanted a childish element throughout the film to represent the innocence and the unawareness of being watched.
Overall we think the poster is appealing to our audience and has a thriller feel to it, therefore it advertises it in the correct way and looks professional.

By Gemma and Disha