Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Soundtrack - Prelimenary Study


As a group we decided that the genre of our Preliminary task was going to be a comedy. So once we had shot we had in mind the types of sounds we wanted to put together to make our soundtrack.
First while the other members of the group finished editing the film we researched the types of soundtracks used in comedy films, watching some on the Internet. We got an idea of how the music helps give the film its genre and it was vital we had all the sounds in perfect time to our film for the music to do its job and give the film a comedy feel.
Next, we opened Garage Band and listened to the sounds that were already there. We took note of those we thought would be useful for our film so it would be easier and quicker for us to find a certain type of sound if needed when putting everything together.
Once all the editing and transitions were done to the film we started by watching the film through and using the sounds we had already picked out began putting the track together. For us timing was everything, from our research we saw how their soundtracks were perfectly timed and how this gave the film a cleaner finish and helped denote the genre.
Getting everything timed perfectly was hard but we kept at it and finally came out with out final soundtrack. We moved the track from Garage Band to final cut, rendered it and added it in. As a group we watched through the whole film and were very pleased with the final outcome, not only for the soundtrack but the editing of the film was also excellent.